Here I thought I'd set aside an area dedicated to random Badger findings that need more than just an entry on the PEAK message board to do them justice.
So help me to maintain this cyber-sett! Send all random Badger references (preferrably with an accompanying pic or two) to
They're full of badger-y goodness, and very small and neat:
The Village of Badger, Shropshire
Kimi was kind enough to send me a link to the excellent Human Badger Sett at Kew Gardens! There's a cool virtual tour, too. Click here to go to the Kew Gardens Badger Sett Web Site
This is cool... Publishing firm O'Reilly hosted a conference and named all the rooms after animals (this was, apparently, the theme of the conference). Overnight someone changed all the room names. Click here to see the results!
Kevin reminded me of the Badger Parade that was a regular feature on the Harry Hill show on Channel 4. Everything a web search has uncovered about this can be found by clicking here.
Badger overload! For more information than anyone
could feasibly want about Meles meles (yes, that's Latin for "badger"),
go here...