You know what I'm talking about, don't you? The jokes and other fun stuff that people e-mail you. Filled with headers from previous senders and where every line starts with four or five >'s
Well, here are some of the ones that made me laugh (or groan). They're all in text format so you can add them as an attachment to any e-mail you wish to send. And I've gotten rid of all those damn chevrons!
Alabama Residency Application
(Everyone's Free) To Drink Alcohol
Worst analogies ever used in a high school essay
Answering Machine Messages
Anti-men jokes
Banana cake
The baked bean-loving man
For her birthday
The new motorcycle
Billy the Sperm
The complete set of Blonde Jokes
Two builders
A very poor joke involving two carrots
A camel in the foreign legion
Cantonaian Rhapsody
Cartoon laws
Caught in a lie
The greatest chain letter ever written
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Why chocolate is better than sex
Why coffee is better than a woman
Your favourite colour is the key to your sexual life
Confucious, he say...
A guide to country pastimes
True stories about stupid computer users
Extracts from genuine letters to the DHSS
Instruction for the use of floppy disks
The joys of the English language revealed
A word about sexual equality
50 ways to fail and exam
A word for all seasons
The frog and his bank loan
Good, bad, worse
In the beginning...
Projectile gerbil
Singing Blow-job
...and God created woman
Success or golf
In the spirit of halloween
The road to Hell is paved by thermodynamics
A game the whole family can enjoy
The 12 rules of the Indian roads
The Irish and the Russians at war
Jack and Jill
The gravy ladle
Instructions for life
Man - a chemical analysis
85 rules and instructions on being a man
An amusing football story
The five worst things about being a penis
The pianist
The sparrow: a moral
The new Priest
He's been working on the railroad
The magical rat
A Redneck's family tree
Vertically challenged Red Riding Hood
The Santa Claus theory
The Shit List
Odd signs from England
Three men go to hell...
Samual L. Jackson and Star Wars
Sony announce new operating system
A mediocre joke about two sperms
Some funny (and true) stories
How to succeed with a woman, virtually
Voodoo dick
Why ask "Why?"
Extermination Services plc
Back to the Chuckle zone
Maintained by Stephen Gill
Copyright © 1999 Stephen Gill
Most recent revision 29 September 2000